Thursday, April 10, 2008

Our Favorite Jayhawk

Mason is proud to be a Jayhawk fan! (We are even trying to get him to say Rock Chalk Jayhawk!) We had so much fun watching Kansas Basketball this year and I even won the Peuler Championship trophy...Yes I beat Chad and I get that toad out of our house! Mason slept through most of the game (through our yelling and cheering) but did wake up near the end. So he stayed up for a bit to watch them cut down the nets and such.

Mason is quickly falling into the terrible two's stage. We are not to sure how much we like it but we are trying to be calm and survive this time. At this point his favorite word is No! But it is the tone he uses that is a little hard to take sometimes. Some of his other new words are yellow, owl, boat, Nemo (But sounds a lot like Elmo) and he even is trying to say cock a doodle doo. It's too funny!

Well no big change with the baby. I am dilated to a one. At least things are progressing but the doctor doesn't suspect that I go anytime soon. That is okay with me. We are almost done with the basement then we can put the baby's room together. I would like to get the all done before he/she gets here.

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