We went to the Post Family Farm for our friends son Alex's 2ND birthday. It turned out to be a beautiful day. Mason had so much fun on the hayride, picking up pumpkins, and barrel riding. He did not want to leave at all. I literally had to be the mom who picked him up completely off the ground and walked him straight to the car kicking and screaming. I felt bad but he was tired, hungry but having so much fun! Thanks to Nuff and Bri who invited us! I am not sure Alex enjoyed it but we loved sharing the day with him. Oh and Mason still didn't like the animal!! Go figure! They do have sleigh rides in the winter so I can't wait to go back.

Say Cheese!

Picking them all up

Carson and his chick

The Perez family

Watching brother

Mason's favorite part of the day....except for the doughnut!

Deep in thought

Hayride....Mason loved throwing the hay out of the ride

Sweet Carson. He enjoyed the day too. This is one of his 5 month pictures

Staying away from the goats

Hiding behind Daddy

Birthday Boy Alex! What a stud with that vest and hat
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