Oh we had so much fun at the Senior Center for the Critter Barn and the ice cream social. It was so fun we were able to have all the great grandkids there. They had baby chicks, roosters, baby ducks, rabbits goats, etc. for the kids to pet and feed. Well most kids. As you can tell by the pictures Mason was rather scared of most of the animals. He tried to climb out of the goat pin and would scream when we would get to close. Carson really didn't seem to care too much. Mason sure enjoyed the ice cream and grandmas new veggie filled brownies...yuck for us adults but the kids loved them.

Here is Great Grandma and Great Grandpa with all their Great Grandkids. As you can tell my picture didn't turn out that well. Mason and Sydney were having too much fun to stand still for a photo.

Great Grandma with Carson and Isaac (How adorable is that!)

The four newbies. Elliot, Easton, Caleb and Carson

Papa and Mason

Here's Mason trying to climb out of the Goat pin.

Look at that cute baby chick Mason is scared of

Isaac feeding the goats

My baby boy! Carson Dale
1 comment:
Look at Isaac snuggle with him...how sweet! you have to send me that one!
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