Mason is two now and we just cannot believe it. He is growing up so fast. We are able to understand more of what he is trying to tell us these days. He also is saying most of his ABC's when he hears the song but does have some favorite letters like B and P and Y. Too funny. He is counting as well. He really likes to count our fingers and his cars. He has been a very good boy for us but the other day he did do something that wasn't the greatest but I can take partial blame for it. What he did was while I was making his Nemo cake he must have taken the cordless phone and thought it would be a good idea to put it in the toilet. I never did hear the toilet flush but I wouldn't be surprised. I am not sure how long it was in there but Chad found it after being at basketball camp. Even though it ruined the phone we still were able to laugh about it.

His cars and cars book! Can't go anywhere without them

Still loving bball

Growin up!

Happy boy

Carson 7 weeks hanging out with Great Grandma Peuler

1 comment:
Two? Already? Wholly cats! Fun pictures. We too are looking forward for Yard Fest...can't wait!!
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