So we decided to bring Mason to 5/3 ballpark again to look at the lights and to see Santa. This year he finally acknowledged that there were lights there. He kept asking to "get down" so he could go play with Santa and all the lights. Well after the lights we brought him to where they have Santa and this year they had people dressed up like snowman and a reindeer. Chad was holding him as we walked by and he gave them both a high five but instantly clung to Chad. So with this we both thought that he wouldn't want to sit with Santa. We put him down and saw Santa and ran right to him, mind you he cut in front of two kids to get to him, so we had him get back in line ( which he was okay with, which is SO not like him) and when it was his turn he went right up on Santa's lap and started talking to him. Santa asked him what he wanted for Christmas and he asked for kisses, he looked like he wanted to kiss Santa but that was diverted :) We were so proud of him how well he did. As for Carson, he so didn't care. He kept looking back at Santa but never cried and never pulled the beard. We did buy a picture i'll have to scan it in, it turned out okay!!
So all in all it was a great trip to see Santa. We had so much fun and our new tradition is Seeing Santa, checking out Christmas lights around town and getting Mason's favorite Micky D's!! I am so looking forward to Christmas...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Carson Photo Shoot
Here are some pictures of Carson at his 6 month photo shoot! I make it sound like this happens all the time but it doesn't really. My cousins Shelley and Marty have a studio set up at there house and wanted to use Carson as a tester for their lights and such, so of course I jumped at the chance. I love having pictures of him and these ones just turned out so good, I feel so lucky to have had this opportunity. He was a champ. We were there for about and hour to hour and half and they took over 300 pics. We had so much fun. I hope you enjoy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Carson 6 months
Wow 6 months has really gone by fast. Carson is getting so big and he is trying so hard to crawl. I am not pushing the issue.....I'm not ready for that yet. He is getting more vocal everyday and him and Mason are communicating all the time. It is so fun to watch them together. The sleeping is getting better. Not consistent yet but better. As for eating he is loving sweet potatoes just like Mason did but yet to be a fan of Bananas. He is just such a happy guy. Hope you like the new pics!


Carson 6 mo
We have a lot of pics from Halloween this year. Every year we go to the Conklin for Pumpkin carving and to celebrate Chads birthday. We had a great time. Chad did a great job on the pumpkin this year....even though it got smashing in front of our house!
But Halloween was fun. We visited the Conklins then came home and the Peulers came over and we handed out candy and Chad and Mason went trick or treating. He had so much fun. Chad says he did a great job and even said Trick or treat and thank you! He was so excited when he got home.

Mason digging through his candy

Happy Monkey

In deep thought
But Halloween was fun. We visited the Conklins then came home and the Peulers came over and we handed out candy and Chad and Mason went trick or treating. He had so much fun. Chad says he did a great job and even said Trick or treat and thank you! He was so excited when he got home.

Mason digging through his candy
Happy Monkey
In deep thought
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Chad's Birthday
Today is Chad's birthday and Mason made him a sign for outside the house. He only painted for like two minutes and got sick of it. He didn't care to get dirty. So we hung it up outside for Chad to see. He loved it! Also, Mason helped me frost some cupcakes....well he helped eat the frosting lets say. As for Carson he is sporting the KU gear (well so is Mason too) special for Daddy's birthday! WE LOVE YOU!

Monday, October 20, 2008
Well Mason is understanding a little more about this whole potty business. So today he says "oh poppy" and ran to my bedroom (where he likes to poo) So I run after him and ask him to go to the big boy potty and he willingly comes. So we get him undressed and on the toilet and he doesn't want to be up there. He wined a bit so I took him off and he asked to get back up. Then again he wined. Then after doing that a few times he wanted his diaper back on and we moved on with our day. He has yet to poo in the diaper since but at least it's a start to the whole potty thing.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Carson 5 months old
I know I am a little behind at updating these pictures. Carson is doing well. He is finally eating Oatmeal once sometimes twice a day. He seems to be enjoying it. He loves to watch everything going on around him, especially Mason. I have to be honest and say that he is not that great of a sleeper. Well compared to how Mason was at least. I did get two full nights sleep out of him this week and I have been trying very hard to get him on a set schedule. Even when he doesn't sleep well or nap well he is a very happy baby. I guess he just doesn't want to miss anything. He is just so much fun and brings a smile to my face everyday!

Carson 5 Months

I'm gonna get you

Carson 5 Months

My favorite pic.

Here is Mason at 5 months. As you can see he had a lot less hair than Carson does at this age. Carson's is coming in very fast. Also, Carson smiles for the camera a LOT more than Mason ever did! To me they are definitely looking much different these days!
Carson 5 Months
I'm gonna get you
Carson 5 Months
My favorite pic.
Here is Mason at 5 months. As you can see he had a lot less hair than Carson does at this age. Carson's is coming in very fast. Also, Carson smiles for the camera a LOT more than Mason ever did! To me they are definitely looking much different these days!
Post Family Farm
We went to the Post Family Farm for our friends son Alex's 2ND birthday. It turned out to be a beautiful day. Mason had so much fun on the hayride, picking up pumpkins, and barrel riding. He did not want to leave at all. I literally had to be the mom who picked him up completely off the ground and walked him straight to the car kicking and screaming. I felt bad but he was tired, hungry but having so much fun! Thanks to Nuff and Bri who invited us! I am not sure Alex enjoyed it but we loved sharing the day with him. Oh and Mason still didn't like the animal!! Go figure! They do have sleigh rides in the winter so I can't wait to go back.

Say Cheese!

Picking them all up

Carson and his chick

The Perez family

Watching brother

Mason's favorite part of the day....except for the doughnut!

Deep in thought

Hayride....Mason loved throwing the hay out of the ride

Sweet Carson. He enjoyed the day too. This is one of his 5 month pictures

Staying away from the goats

Hiding behind Daddy

Birthday Boy Alex! What a stud with that vest and hat

Say Cheese!
Picking them all up
Carson and his chick
The Perez family
Watching brother
Mason's favorite part of the day....except for the doughnut!
Deep in thought
Hayride....Mason loved throwing the hay out of the ride
Sweet Carson. He enjoyed the day too. This is one of his 5 month pictures
Staying away from the goats
Hiding behind Daddy
Birthday Boy Alex! What a stud with that vest and hat
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