Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Finally Updating - Carson 9 months

Carson is nine months old now and is trying to walk everyday. He has got great balance but hasn't got the stepping down yet. He also has 6 teeth not. I love baby teeth smiles, they are the best. He is doing well and is such a joy to be around everyday. He is becoming a daddy's boy. Every time Chad walks away he cries. He loves him so much. Mason is doing awesome. Growing up way too fast and saying so many new things everyday. It is so hard not to laugh at him sometimes.

My first Oreo

Lovin my first oreo


CARSON 9 months

MASON 9 months

Finally a picture of them together...Mason cheesin

Poor Carson, someday he will get him back

Mason eating with all his friends!!

Carson's new favorite thing!

1 comment:

millerfamilyoffour said...

Thanks for the new pics - I've been waiting! Love the video of Carson.

Aunt G