Carson 2 months

Carson 2 months
Mason at 2 months
I think it is a lot of fun comparing the two boys. Gosh to me they have a lot of the same characteristics. What do you think??
Carson is now 2 months old. He is sleeping through the night and has been for a bit now and is in his own crib. Chad finally talked me into getting him out of our room. At his check up everything looked good. He weights 13 lb 14 oz (90%) and is 24 and 1/4 inches long (90%). I think he is taking after Mason and will be a big boy as well.
Carson is smiling and cooing at us all the time. He loves his new play gym. His favorite is the monkey, he'll grab at it and put it in his mouth.
As you can tell Carson is losing his hair in spots. Before we know it he will have a mowhawk.